Who We Are

Welcome to AFORA, an artistic sanctuary that traces its roots back to the innovative spirit of the Barkingside Art Club. We stand proud as a beacon of inclusivity, a hub of diversity, and a gateway to the fascinating world of visual arts. Here, we invite you to delve into the heart of our story, to discover the pillars that uphold our community, and to learn about the core values that guide us in everything we do.

Our Genesis

Our journey began as a small spark in the minds of the passionate individuals at the Barkingside Art Club. They envisioned a space where art was accessible to all, where creative expression knew no bounds, and where every individual felt welcomed and valued. From that spark, AFORA was born, blossoming into a thriving community that upholds the power of art to inspire, connect, and empower.

Our Pillars of Strength

At AFORA, we are anchored by three key pillars that define our identity and guide our actions:

1. Inclusivity We believe in opening our doors to everyone, regardless of age, background, or ability. Our programs are specially tailored to embrace and accommodate the unique needs of SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) children and their families, providing a supportive environment for creative exploration.

2. Diversity: Our community is a vibrant tapestry of varied voices, experiences, and perspectives. We celebrate the richness that comes from this diversity, recognizing that it is the bedrock upon which true creativity and innovation thrive.

3. Access to Visual Arts: We are committed to breaking down barriers and making art accessible to all. Through direct creative workshops, events, and programs, we facilitate unparalleled access to the world of visual arts, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to engage with, learn from, and be transformed by art.

Empowering Underrepresented Artists

Our mission extends to championing underrepresented artists, providing them with a platform to showcase their talent, share their stories, and connect with broader audiences. We are dedicated to nurturing their creative practice, offering opportunities for growth, exposure, and collaboration.

Creating Connections, Inspiring Change

At AFORA, we are driven by the belief that art has the power to connect communities, ignite hope, and foster a sense of purpose. Through our project 'Create and Connect', we strive to bridge the gap between artists, families, and the wider community, creating a network of support, inspiration, and mutual growth. We are committed to enhancing the quality of life and well-being of individuals and families, helping them to find connection, creativity, and a deeper sense of fulfillment through the transformative power of visual art.

Join Us on Our Journey

We invite you to explore our story, to learn more about our mission, and to become a part of our vibrant and inclusive community. Together, we can create a world where art is accessible to all, where diversity is celebrated, and where the power of creativity serves as a beacon of hope and transformation.